, Brian Macfarland Was Less Than Truthful in His ‘Crafted Statement’ About LifeVantage

Well, in Brian’s ‘crafted statement’ he made the case that there was no wrongdoing that was found about him by the court.  He neglected to post the statements of the judge who ruled on the case.  Let’s have a look at what the judge said:

“…Our statement of facts accepts as true the evidence favorable to Lifevantage.”

“…the declarations Lifevantage submitted adequately demonstrated that Macfarland published defamatory statements of fact about Lifevantage, and that Lifevantage suffered damages as a result of Macfarlane’s statements.”

“Thus, Lifevantage presented evidence that it does not encourage illegal or false claims by it’s distributors and in fact actually prohibits them.”

“In light of Dr. McCord’s declaration, a reasonable trier of fact might conclude Macfarlane’s statements were not substantially true and were defamatory.”

Did you here that Brian, your statements were “not substantially true”.  That’s lawyer talk for “you lied”.

So in the end, Lazyman is, in my view,  just as we suspected, a liar.  At least that’s what the judge said.  You decide for yourself.